What are the Fundamentals of Lead Generation?

Ever wonder how some businesses are able to maintain a steady stream of customers? It can be because they have a stellar marketing campaign. Perhaps they have a strong brand visibility that makes them appear to customers. But there is another secret to getting customers – lead generation.

What is lead generation?

Lead generation is when you target a specific audience and nurture them to becoming your next customers. This is all done by increasing their interest in your business as you guide them throughout the buyer’s journey.

For an effective lead generation strategy,you need to start with the fundamentals. Here are some things you need to know.

1. Good content is your trump card.

One of the important things in lead generation is to provide value in every step of the buyer’s journey. This is where content comes in. Content helps your prospects find your business – think of it as their entryway. They might have found an ebook you published that they can download for free,or a landing page that encourages them to sign up for your monthly blog subscription. The better the content,the more interested your prospects may be in your business. This,in turn,gives them a reason to stay until they are ready to buy from you.

2. There are different types of leads.

A user who signed up on your website does not automatically become a sales lead. You need to understand that there are different types of leads based on their stage in the buyer’s journey. Here are two types you need to be aware of:

  • Marketing qualified leads – these are prospects who have interacted with your business through marketing efforts. An example of this is a user filling up a form on a landing page or signing up for your blog subscription. They are interested in your business or the information you have but are not yet ready to receive a call or close a deal.
  • Sales qualified leads – these are leads who have engaged with your business with a strong commercial or transactional intent. This can be a prospect who clicked a ‘get a quote’ button on your website or have asked a question about your products or services.

3. There is a process to lead generation.

Lead generation is not a ‘set-it-and-leave-it” kind of strategy. There is a process to it. First,you attract prospects to engage with your business – whether through a blog post,a webinar,or a landing page. Second,you need to determine if those who have engaged with your business are truly qualified. This helps you know their level of interest and what you can expect from a prospect. Afterwards,you provide a lead score to quantify their readiness to transact with your business.

There are different strategies and tactics you can implement for successful lead generation. If you want to dive into this,our expert on lead generation in digital marketing in Hong Kong would be more than glad to guide you. Talk to us today!For more information,visit:-